Ep 139 - JON HAYES:
Manipulating God & honesty
TW: Mental illness and sexual assault
For Kalamazoo based musician Jon Hayes, authenticity is like breathing. With the release of his album “Between You & Me” (yes, really), he is brutally honest about idolizing music and trying to manipulate God to get what you want. He shares his story with Jess, and opens up about how he has found forgiveness after experiencing sexual assault as a child.
Connect @jonhayesofficial and https://jonhayesofficial.com
Buy a physical copy of “Between You & Me” by emailing Jon at his official website. Stream singles on Spotify.
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USA: RAINN (Call 800 656 HOPE or find live chat on https://rainn.org)
Other: https://TWLOHA.com
Till This Is Right by Jon Hayes
Temporary by Jon Hayes
Nothing to Find by Jon Hayes
Only You by Jon Hayes
Nursery Lie by Jon Hayes
Rest by Jon Hayes
Into the Mystery by Jon Hayes
Between You and Me (live) by Jon Hayes
Music published with permission of artist and through Play Mpe
Produced by Joshua Dunn